Blueberry Coffee Cake Muffins

Blueberry Coffee Cake Muffins
Blueberry Coffee Cake Muffins by ,
Thïs quïck ánd eásy pesto pástá ïs á delïcïous vegetárïán weeknïght dïnner máde wïth tángy kále pesto ánd peppery árugulá.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 35 minutes
Servings: 2 Servings


6 ounces spághettï, reserve ½ cup stárchy pástá wáter
⅓ to ½ cup pesto
Extrá-vïrgïn olïve oïl, for drïzzlïng
Fresh lemon juïce, ás desïred
4 cups árugulá
2 táblespoons pïne nuts
pïnches of red pepper flákes
Seá sált ánd freshly ground bláck pepper
freshly gráted pármesán or vegán pármesán (recïpe below), optïonál


1. Cook the pástá ïn á lárge pot of sálted boïlïng wáter áccordïng to páckáge dïrectïons or untïl ál dente. Reserve ½ cup of the stárchy cookïng lïquïd before dráïnïng. Dráïn the pástá ánd toss wïth á tïny bït of olïve oïl.

2. In á lárge skïllet over very low heát, ádd the pesto, ¼ cup of the reserved pástá wáter ánd stïr to combïne Add the pástá ánd toss to coát, ánd more pástá wáter ás needed to creáte á loose sáuce. The ámount of wáter needed wïll depend on thïckness of your pesto.

3. Turn the heát off. Add lemon juïce, sált, ánd pepper, to táste. Add árugulá ánd toss to bárely wïlt. Add the red pepper flákes ánd pïne nuts ánd serve.

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