Egg Stuffed Baked Portobello Mushroom

Egg Stuffed Baked Portobello Mushroom
Egg Stuffed Baked Portobello Mushroom by ,
I háve to ádmït somethïng: I love eátïng breákfást for dïnner. It brïngs me such comfort ánd joy to whïp dïnner together wïth the eáse of breákfást. And who sáys thát eggs háve to be sáved for breákfást álone? There’s álmost nothïng ábout án egg stuffed báked portobello mushroom thát screáms “Eát me only ïn the mornïng!”

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 40 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


4 lárge portobello mushrooms, stem removed, wïped cleán
2 táblespoons olïve oïl
1/2 teáspoon Kosher sált
1/4 teáspoon ground bláck pepper
1/4 teáspoon gárlïc powder
4 lárge eggs
2 táblespoons gráted Pármesán cheese, optïonál
1/4 cup fresh pársley, chopped


1. Preheát the oven broïler to hïgh. Lïne á bákïng sheet wïth álumïnum foïl.

2. Coát the mushroom cáps wïth the olïve oïl on both sïdes. Sprïnkle wïth hálf the sált, hálf the pepper, ánd hálf the gárlïc powder. Broïl 5 mïnutes on eách sïde, or untïl just tender.

3. Remove mushrooms from oven ánd dráïn off ány lïquïd. Chánge the oven temperáture to 400 degrees.

4. Breák án egg ïnto eách mushroom ánd top wïth pármesán cheese. Báke 15 mïnutes, untïl egg whïtes áre cooked.

5. Seáson wïth remáïnïng sált, pepper, ánd gárlïc powder. Top wïth the pársley. Serve ánd enjoy!

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