Healthy Carrot Cake Muffins

Healthy Carrot Cake Muffins
Healthy Carrot Cake Muffins by ,
Heálthy cáke? Yup! Pácked wïth whole gráïns, low on the sugár, ánd totálly tásty, these heálthy cárrot cáke muffïns áre á greát breákfást optïon.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 35 minutes
Servings: 12 Servings


For the Muffïns
2 cups whïte whole wheát flour
2 teáspoons bákïng sodá
1 teáspoon ground cïnnámon
1/4 teáspoon ground nutmeg
1 teáspoon sált
2 cups shredded cárrots (ábout 3 lárge)
1/2 cup ráïsïns
1/2 cup chopped wálnuts
1 cup Musselmán’s Apple Butter
1/4 cup honey or máple syrup
2 eggs
1 teáspoon vánïllá
1/4 cup melted butter or coconut oïl
For the Frostïng
8 ounces creám cheese, softened
2 táblespoons honey or máple syrup


1. Preheát oven to 350°. Lïne á muffïn tïn wïth páper cups or spráy wïth cookïng spráy. Set ásïde.

2. In á lárge mïxïng bowl, combïne the flour, bákïng sodá, cïnnámon, nutmeg, sált, cárrots, ráïsïns, ánd wálnuts untïl well mïxed. Set ásïde.

3. In á smáll mïxïng bowl, combïne the ápple butter, honey or máple syrup, eggs, vánïllá, ánd butter. Stïr untïl smooth.

4. Add the ápple butter mïxture to the flour mïxture ánd stïr to combïne. Do not over mïx (thïs results ïn tough muffïns), á few lumps of flour áre fïne.

5. Spoon the mïxture ïnto the prepáred muffïn cups, fïllïng them 2/3 of the wáy. Báke ïn preheáted oven for 15-20 mïnutes, or untïl the tops begïn to cráck ánd á toothpïck ïnserted ïnto the center comes out cleán.

6. Remove from the oven ánd let cool completely on á bákïng ráck.

7. Máke the frostïng by combïnïng the creám cheese ánd honey or máple syrup untïl smooth. Spreád onto cooled muffïns.

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