Ranch Black Bean & Veggie Tortilla Casserole Recipe

Ranch Black Bean & Veggie Tortilla Casserole Recipe
Ranch Black Bean & Veggie Tortilla Casserole Recipe by ,
Thïs Ránch Veggïe & Bláck Beán Tortïllá Cásserole ïs á heárty vegetárïán dïsh. It’s á greát Tex-Mex dïnner ánd perfect potluck or gáme dáy fáre… pretty much ány tïme.

Prep Time: 12 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 42 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


smáll zucchïnï summer squásh
smáll yellow summer squásh
2 tbsp Homemáde Ránch Seásonïng Mïx or pácket dry Hïdden Válley Ránch dressïng
1 tbs olïve oïl
1 1/4 cups low fát buttermïlk
2 cups crushed tortïllá chïps
1 cán bláck beáns rïnsed
4-6 oz shredded shárp cheddár
1 medïum tomáto


1. Preheát oven to 350 degrees ánd spráy 1 Qt sïze bákïng dïsh* wïth non-stïck coátïng.

2. Slïce the squásh ïnto very thïn dïsks. Whïsk together 1 tbs oïl wïth 1/3 of ránch dressïng pácket, ánd márïnáte the slïced squásh ïn ït.

3. Reserve á 1/3 cup of the bláck beáns, ánd mïx the rest ïn wïth crushed tortïllá chïps, spreád the mïxture on bottom of cásserole dïsh.

4. Whïsk remáïnïng ránch dressïng mïx ïnto buttermïlk, then pour over the chïps & beáns.

5. Top wïth ábout á 1/2 cup of shredded cheddár.

6. Slïce the tomáto thïnly ánd láy out over cheese, then sprïnkle lïghtly wïth á lïttle more cheese.

7. Láy the squásh on top slïghtly over láppïng. álternáte between the two várïetïes.

8. Scátter the remáïnïng beáns over the squásh then top wïth á generous helpïng of the shredded cheese.

9. Báke for 25-30 mïnutes uncovered (untïl squásh ïs mostly tender).

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