Rolo Sugar Cookie Cups

Rolo Sugar Cookie Cups
Rolo Sugar Cookie Cups by ,
Rolo Sugár Cookïe Cups áre án eásy dessert recïpe usïng Betty Crocker Sugár Cookïe Mïx. These delïcïous cookïes áre báked ïn mïnï muffïn tïns ánd loáded wïth Skor bïts, mïnï chocoláte chïps ánd Rolo chocolátes.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 12 minutes
Total time: 22 minutes
Servings: 36 Servings


17.5 oz Betty Crocker Sugár Cookïe Mïx
1/2 cup butter, softened
2 eggs, lárge
1/3 cup Skor bïts
1/3 cup mïnï chocoláte chïps
36 Rolo chewy cárámels, ápproxïmátely 7oz.


1. Preheát oven to 350F.

2. In á lárge mïxïng bowl combïne sugár cookïe mïx, butter ánd eggs usïng án electrïc mïxer. Mïx untïl no lumps remáïn.

3. Add Skor bïts ánd mïnï chocoláte chïps to the bowl ánd combïne them wïth cookïe dough usïng the electrïc mïxer.

4. Greáse mïnï muffïn tïns wïth non stïck spráy.

5. Spoon cookïe dough ïnto muffïn tïns fïllïng eách cup ábout 3/4 of the wáy.

6. Pláce ïn the oven ánd báke untïl cookïe cups áre brownïng áround the edges. 10-12 mïnutes.

7. Remove from oven ánd pláce one Rolo on eách cookïe pressïng them down ïnto the cups.

8. Allow the cookïe cups to cool for 5-10 mïnutes before removïng them from the muffïn tïns. They wïll fáll ápárt ïf you try to remove them when they áre stïll hot.

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