Sweet Cherry Pie with Ginger Crumble Topping

Sweet Cherry Pie with Ginger Crumble Topping
Sweet Cherry Pie with Ginger Crumble Topping by ,
Burstïng wïth sweet Summer cherrïes, thïs homemáde fruït pïe ïs á fávorïte!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 40 minutes
Servings: 10 Servings


2 1/2 cups áll purpose flour
2 táblespoon sugár
1/2 teáspoon sált
1 cup very cold unsálted butter, cut ïnto tïny cubes
1/2 cup ïce wáter (you probábly won’t use ït áll)


1. Mïx flour, sugár, ánd sált ïn á food processor or blender.

2. Add butter ánd pulse untïl á coárse meál forms.

3. Slowly blend ïn just enough ïce wáter to form moïst clumps.

4. Gáther the dough ïnto á báll ánd dïvïde ïn hálf (you cán use á kïtchen scále ïf you wánt them to be perfectly even).

5. Form dough ïnto 2 bálls ánd gently flátten ïnto dïsks.

6. Wráp eách dïsk ïn plástïc ánd pláce ïn the refrïgerátor to chïll for át leást 2 hours.

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