Bunny Sugar Cookies Recipe

Bunny Sugar Cookies Recipe
Bunny Sugar Cookies Recipe by ,
The sweetest bunny sugár cookïes wïth royál ïcïng ánd á buttercreám táïl!

Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 8 minutes
Total time: 38 minutes
Servings: 20 Servings


3 cups áll-purpose flour
3/4 teáspoon bákïng powder
1/4 teáspoon sált
1 1/2 cup unsálted butter, soft 3 stïcks orgánïc butter
1 cup gránuláted sugár
1 teáspoon vánïllá extráct
1 lárge egg orgánïc cáge-free áre best
1 táblespoon whole mïlk orgánïc gráss fed ïs best
Royál Icïng
4 1/2 cups powdered sugár plus more for rollïng the dough out
3 táblespoons merïngue powder
9 táblespoons wárm wáter more or less to get the consïstency lïke glue


1. In á mïxïng bowl wïth the páddle áttáchment, beát the softened butter ánd sugár together untïl lïght ïn color.

2. Add ïn the egg, vánïllá ánd mïlk ánd contïnue to beát.

3. In á sepáráte bowl, combïne flour, bákïng powder ánd sált.

4. Gráduálly ádd the flour mïxture ïnto the butter mïxture wïth the mïxer on low speed.

5. Scrápe the sïdes ánd bottom of the bowl ánd mïx untïl combïned, but don't over mïx. Just untïl the ïngredïents áre together.

6. Roll the dough ïn á báll ánd refrïgeráte for 20 mïnutes so ït fïrms up á lïttle ánd ïs eásïer to cut the shápes from.

7. Prepáre two (or three) cookïe sheets wïth párchment páper ánd preheát the oven to 375 degrees.

8. Remove dough from the frïdge ánd máke á spáce on the counter to roll ït out. Use powdered sugár ráther thán flour when rollïng the cookïes so they don't stïck to the surfáce. You cán use the sugár on the top ánd bottom of the dough ánd the rollïng pïn. Roll to ábout 1/2" thïck.

9. Cut out lïttle bunny shápes wïth á tïny 1" heárt cookïe cutter. Pláce them on the cookïe sheet lïned wïth párchment páper, ábout 1/2" ápárt.

10. Báke ïn the oven for 7 mïnutes or untïl cookïes áre just ábout to turn golden brown.

11. Remove ánd let them cool before you frost!

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