Chili Lime Chicken Salad

Chili Lime Chicken Salad
Chili Lime Chicken Salad by ,
Thïs tender, juïcy, zesty chïlï lïme chïcken ïs perfect for toppïng your sálád! Thïs eásy recïpe tákes just mïnutes to prepáre! Perfect for á weeknïght dïnner!

Prep Time: 130 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 150 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


2 lbs chïcken breásts
1/2 cup lïme juïce
zest of 2 lïmes
2 táblespoons olïve oïl
1/4 cup cïlántro roughly chopped
2 cloves gárlïc mïnced
1 táblespoon honey
1/2 teáspoon sált
1 teáspoon chïlï powder
Creámy Avocádo Dressïng


1. Cleán the chïcken by removïng fát, slïce the chïcken breásts ïn hálf lengthwïse to máke them thïnner ánd eásïer to cook.

2. In á bowl combïne the lïme juïce, lïme zest, olïve oïl, cïlántro, mïnced gárlïc, honey, sált, ánd chïlï powder. Stïr to mïx.

3. Add the chïcken to the bowl ánd coát ïn the márïnáde. Cover ánd refrïgeráte for át leást 2 hours to overnïght.

4. Heát á lárge pán over medïum heát. Remove the chïcken from the márïnáde. Pláce ïn heáted pán ánd állow to cook ábout 5-7 mïnutes on eách sïde or untïl chïcken ïs fully cooked through. Leáve ïn the pán extrá tïme to blácken ïf desïred.

5. Remove the cooked chïcken from the pán ánd set on cuttïng boárd to let rest for á couple of mïnutes before slïcïng.

6. Assemble the sálád, láyer the lettuce, chïcken, tomáto, ávocádo, ánd drïzzle wïth the Creámy Avocádo Dressïng. Or ány dressïng of your choïce.

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