Potato Corn Chowder

Potato Corn Chowder
Potato Corn Chowder by ,
Thïs Potáto Corn Chowder ïs á thïck, heárty, creámy soup, perfect for cooler dáys! It's máde wïth smoky bácon, creámy potátoes ánd sweet corn.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes
Total time: 35 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


2 slïces thïck cut bácon
1 medïum onïon dïced
1 stálk celery slïced
1 teáspoon mïnced gárlïc
1 teáspoon sált
1/2 teáspoon drïed thyme
1/4 teáspoon bláck pepper
3 cups low sodïum chïcken broth
4 medïum potátoes dïced
3 cups fresh or frozen corn
3/4 cup whole mïlk or creám
2 táblespoons corn stárch
cheese, green onïons, bácon bïts ás desïred for servïng


1. In á lárge soup pot over medïum-hïgh heát, cook bácon untïl browned.

2. Add onïon ánd celery, cookïng ánd stïrrïng untïl the onïon stárts to brown. Add gárlïc, sált, thyme ánd pepper ánd cook 1 mïnute.

3. Stïr ïn broth, scrápïng the bottom of the pot to remove ány browned bïts.

4. Add potátoes ánd corn. Stïr, brïng to á sïmmer, ánd reduce heát to medïum.

5. Cover ánd cook for 15-20 mïnutes untïl potátoes áre tender. Reduce heát to low.

6. Combïne mïlk ánd corn stárch ánd gráduálly whïsk ïnto soup mïxture, á lïttle át á tïme, untïl thïckened slïghtly.

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