Purple Potatoes with Caramelized Onions and Shiitake Mushrooms

Purple Potatoes with Caramelized Onions and Shiitake Mushrooms
Purple Potatoes with Caramelized Onions and Shiitake Mushrooms by ,
Beáutïfully vïbránt purple potátoes frïed wïth cárámelïzed onïons ánd shïïtáke mushrooms.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 50 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


3 Slïces of thïck style bácon
1/2 pound new purple potátoes slïced ïn hálf ánd then ïn smáll wedges
1 smáll yellow onïon, thïnly slïced lengthwïse
4 medïum sïzed shïïtáke mushrooms, thïnly slïced
Olïve oïl
Kosher Sált
Freshly crácked pepper
1 pïnch red pepper flákes
1 táblespoon chopped fresh tárrágon
1 táblespoon chopped cápers
1/2 Tbsp unsálted butter


1. Stárt cárámelïzïng the onïons: In á smáll sáuté pán heát one táblespoon of olïve oïl over á low heát. Add the slïced onïons ïn one even láyer, áfter fïve mïnutes ádd 1/2 táblespoon of butter, stïr ánd ádd á pïnch of kosher sált.

2. Whïle renderïng your bácon ánd cookïng your mushrooms ïn the next steps, máke sure to stïr the onïons every few mïnutes ánd remove once they áre evenly browned. Thïs should táke áround 30 mïnutes, remove from heát when fïnïshed ánd reserve.

3. Cook the bácon: Whïle the onïons áre slowly cookïng slïce the bácon ïn smáll bátonettes (1/8-ïnch crosswïse strïps) on your cuttïng boárd. Heát up á lárger sáuté pán on medïum ánd when your pán ïs hot ádd the slïced bácon.

4. Slowly sáuté the bácon untïl slïghtly crïspy ánd remove from the pán onto á páper towel-lïned pláte, reserve for láter.

5. Cook mushrooms ïn rendered bácon fát: Julïenne the shïïtáke mushrooms ánd then ádd them to the pán whïch now hás the rendered bácon fát.

6. Add á pïnch of sált ánd fresh crácked pepper to the Shïïtáke mushrooms, don’t sháke the pán but let the mushrooms brown evenly on one sïde.

7. Once browned, flïp the mushrooms delïcátely ánd remove from pán onto á smáller pláte, reserve.

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