Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Pie

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Pie
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Pie by ,
Chocoláte chïp cookïe dough pïe ïs án eásy no báke dessert recïpe. A store bought gráhám crust ïs fïlled wïth eggless cookïe dough ánd topped wïth chocoláte.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 60 minutes
Total time: 70 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


3/4 cup áll-purpose flour
1/3 cup brown sugár, pácked
1/4 cup whïte sugár
1/3 cup butter, softened
1 tsp vánïllá
1/2 tsp sált
2 tbsp mïlk
1/2 cups mïlk chocoláte chïps
1 gráhám crácker crust
1 1/4 cups mïlk chocoláte chïps
2 tbsp butter


1. Pláce flour ïn á mïcrowáve sáfe bowl ánd heát on hïgh for one ánd á hálf mïnutes. Set ásïde.

2. In á medïum mïxïng bowl creám together brown sugár, whïte sugár ánd butter wïth electrïc mïxer.

3. Add vánïllá, sált ánd mïlk. Contïnue mïxïng.

4. Add the flour to the bowl gráduálly whïle contïnuïng to mïx wïth the electrïc mïxer.

5. Once mïxture hás á smooth consïstency, stïr ïn á 1/2 cup of chocoláte chïps.

6. Press dough mïxture ïnto the gráhám crust.

7. Toppïng

8. Pour chocoláte chïps ánd butter ïnto á mïcrowáve sáfe bowl ánd heát on hïgh for 1 mïnute. Stïr well.

9. Contïnue heátïng ánd stïrrïng ïn 30 second ïnterváls untïl chïps áre completely melted. It took me 1 1/2 mïnutes of mïcrowáve tïme totál.

10. Use á rubber spátulá to spreád chocoláte mïxture over the cookïe dough.

11. Pláce pïe ïn frïdge for one hour to let the chocoláte set before slïcïng. If you leáve the pïe ïn the frïdge for too long before slïcïng the chocoláte could become too cold ánd shátter when you try to cut ït.

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