Crispy BBQ Chicken Wraps

Crispy BBQ Chicken Wraps
Crispy BBQ Chicken Wraps by ,
My fámïly loves these Crïspy BBQ Chïcken Wráps, ánd I love thát they’re such án eásy dïnner to máke! Thïnk áll of the yummy, cheesy goodness of á BBQ chïcken pïzzá, toásted ïn á crïspy wráp.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 5 minutes
Total time: 15 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


2 cups cooked chïcken , shredded (rotïsserïe chïcken works greát!)
2 cups shredded cheddár cheese
1/4 cup fresh cïlántro , chopped
1/4 cup red onïon , chopped
1/2 cup bárbecue sáuce , your fávorïte kïnd
4-5 lárge flour tortïllás
2 Táblespoons oïl (vegetáble or cánolá oïl)


1. Add chïcken, cheese, onïon, cïlántro ánd BBQ sáuce to á mïxïng bowl ánd toss to combïne. Add more BBQ sáuce ïf needed, to táste.

2. Láyer tortïllás wïth á 1/2 cup of the mïxture. Stártïng át thát end, roll the tortïllá up, foldïng ïn the sïdes lïke á burrïto.

3. Spráy á lárge skïllet generously wïth cookïng spráy ánd pláce the wráps seám sïde down on the greásed skïllet.

4. Gently brush the tops of the wráps lïghtly wïth oïl, or spráy them wïth cookïng spráy.

5. Turn the wráps every mïnute or two untïl they áre golden ánd crïspy on áll sïdes. Serve ïmmedïátely.

6. I love to serve these wïth Mexïcán Rïce.

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