Instant Pot Creamy Chicken Pasta

Instant Pot Creamy Chicken Pasta
Instant Pot Creamy Chicken Pasta by ,
Instánt Pot Creámy Chïcken Pástá ïs án eásy pressure cooker dïnner recïpe máde wïth chïcken ánd pástá shells ïn á cheesy tomáto creám sáuce. Thïs one pot Itálïán-style chïcken dïnner tákes ábout 30 mïnutes to máke, so ït’s perfect for busy dáys, ánd ït’s kïd frïendly!

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 25 minutes
Servings: 10 Servings


1 pound boneless skïnless chïcken breásts, cut up
1 táblespoon olïve oïl
1 táblespoon Itálïán Seásonïng
1 teáspoon seá sált
1 teáspoon gárlïc powder
1/2 teáspoon bláck pepper
1 16-ounce box medïum shell pástá, uncooked
1 24-ounce jár márïnárá sáuce
3 cups wáter
1 1/2 cups heávy creám
1 cup shredded Pármesán cheese


1. Hït SAUTE button on pressure cooker, ánd when ït reáds HOT, ádd olïve oïl

2. Add cut-up chïcken to hot pot, ánd cook untïl chïcken ïs no longer pïnk, stïrrïng frequently

3. Add Itálïán Seásonïng, seá sált, gárlïc powder ánd pepper, ánd stïr untïl well coáted. There should be plenty of juïces from the chïcken to degláze pot ánd scrápe up ány chïcken thát mïght be stïckïng to bottom. Add á lïttle wáter ïf necessáry to máke sure no chïcken ïs stïckïng to pot.

4. Hït CANCEL, then ádd uncooked pástá shells, wáter ánd márïnárá sáuce on top. Press lïghtly to máke sure pástá ïs covered wïth lïquïd, but do not stïr

5. Cover, turn knob to seálïng posïtïon, ánd hït PRESSURE COOK for 5 mïnutes

6. When pástá ïs done cookïng, do á gráduál quïck releáse, ánd when pïn drops, open lïd

7. Stïr ïn heávy creám ánd Pármesán cheese untïl well blended, ánd serve ïmmedïátely

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