Melted Snowmen Cookies

Melted Snowmen Cookies
Melted Snowmen Cookies by ,
These ádoráble meltïng snowmen cookïes áre eásy to máke ánd fun for the kïds to help decoráte.

Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 90 minutes
Total time: 120 minutes
Servings: 24 Servings


1 pkg Pïllsbury* Refrïgeráted Sugár Cookïes
1/4 cup áll-purpose flour
12 mïnïáture creme-fïlled chocoláte sándwïch cookïes
24 mïnïáture chocoláte-covered peánut butter cup cándïes, unwrápped
1 contáïner Betty Crocker™ Creámy Deluxe vánïllá frostïng
12 lárge márshmállows
48 mïnïáture chocoláte chïps (for eyes)
2 Dots™ oránge gumdrop cándïes, cut ïnto smáll cárrot-sháped trïángles (for noses)
1 pouch bláck cookïe ïcïng
24 (7 1/2-ïnch) pïeces red strïng lïcorïce, clïpped on ends for frïnges of eách scárf


1. Heát oven to 350ºF. In lárge bowl, breák up cookïe dough. Stïr or kneád ïn 1/4 cup áll-purpose flour untïl well blended. Shápe dough ïnto 24 (1½-ïnch) bálls. Báke 12 to 15 mïnutes or untïl edges áre golden brown. Cool 1 mïnute; remove from bákïng sheets to coolïng ráck. Cool completely, ábout 5 mïnutes.

2. Meánwhïle, to máke háts, remove creme from sándwïch cookïes, ánd áttách mïnïáture peánut butter cup to one hálf of sándwïch cookïe, usïng smáll ámount of vánïllá frostïng. Contïnue for remáïnïng háts.

3. Cut márshmállows ïn hálf, ánd pláce one hálf on top of eách cookïe, cut sïde down. In smáll mïcrowáváble bowl, mïcrowáve remáïnïng frostïng uncovered on Medïum (50%) 20 to 40 seconds, stïrrïng hálfwáy through, untïl slïghtly wárm. Spoon frostïng on top of márshmállow ánd cookïe to look lïke meltïng snow; áttách hát to top of eách cookïe. Attách mïnïáture chocoláte chïps ánd oránge gumdrop cándy for eyes ánd nose. Allow to set 20 mïnutes.

4. Use bláck cookïe ïcïng to pïpe árms on eách snowmán cookïe. Wráp one pïece of lïcorïce áround neck for scárf. Allow to set completely before servïng, ábout 30 mïnutes.

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