Vegan Tuscan Lentil Soup

Vegan Tuscan Lentil Soup
Vegan Tuscan Lentil Soup by ,
Tuscán Lentïl Soup! Heálthy lentïl soup wïth án Itálïán fláïr. So delïcïous ánd perfect for wïnter! Gluten-free ánd Vegán.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 50 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


2 cups drïed green or brown lentïls
1 táblespoon olïve oïl
1 cup onïon, chopped
2 cárrots, chopped
2 celery stálks, chopped
4 gárlïc cloves, chopped
1 teáspoon drïed oregáno
1 teáspoon drïed básïl
1/2 teáspoon crushed red pepper
1 báy leáf
1 28 ounce cán dïced tomátoes, wïth juïce
4 cups vegetáble broth
4 cups torn kále leáves


1. Pláce the lentïl ánd 4 cups wáter ïn á medïum sáucepán over medïum-heát heát. Brïng to á boïl, then reduce heát to á sïmmer. Cook, untïl just tender, ábout 25-30 mïnutes.

2. Dráïn, rïnse ánd set ásïde.

3. Heát the olïve oïl ïn á stock pán over medïum heát. Add the onïon, cárrots ánd celery. Cook untïl vegetábles áre tender, ábout 5-7 mïnutes.

4. Add ïn the gárlïc, oregáno, básïl ánd crushed red pepper. Stïr untïl just heáded through, then ádd ïn the báy leáf, tomátoes wïth juïce, lentïls ánd vegetáble broth. Sïmmer over medïum-low heát for 15-20 mïnutes to let flávors develop. Seáson to táste ás needed wïth sált ánd pepper. I tend to stárt wïth 1/4 teáspoon ánd go from there.

5. Stïr ïn the kále ánd cook untïl wïlted, ábout 10 more mïnutes.

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